Tuesday 1 December 2009

Hello there!!

It is 10.15 AM. I woke up at 5.30 AM this morning with a heavy jet lag. I actually love jet lag. I usually wake up really early, when the rest of the town is still sleeping and everything is so quiet. I feel fresh, active and creative.

I've been watching the pictures I did in California and taking some notes in the guidebook about the places I liked or not. Am I too organized? I was feeling very hungry and I've had a poor attempt of delighting myself with a last great American breakfast before going back to my usual toasts. I've remembered I had some pancake mix. The pancake got sticked on the pan and I tried again with a new one. Only when the pancake was finished and looking delicious I found the mix was expired since January 09. Live is cruel sometimes...

I couldn't eat my pancakes, but I started a blog!

This is not a place where to find out the hotels or sights that are nice or not. I've created this blog to share my travel experiences, my opinions and interesting facts about the countries I visit. Everybody is welcome to share his/her opinions and knowledge about the different matters exposed here.

Together I hope we have fun, we learn and we become conscious about stories, people, problems and great adventures we maybe didn't know. We might fix up the whole world!!

See you around!

P.D.: EL idioma habitual de este blog es el inglés porque quiero que sea accesible a personas de todo el mundo. En España andamos bastante retrasados con el uso del inglés, así que ¡a ponerse las pilas! Si hubiera gente que no sepa inglés y esté interesada en leer este blog, por favor, que se manifieste y haré lo que pueda. Thanks!


  1. Gabriel Silveira01/12/2009, 20:33

    Hey good luck with your new blog!!! I can't wait to read your travels experiences... keep doing that lovely work you do!!! Bye! Besos!

    Gabriel from Brazil.

  2. Hehe I love how your blog got started!
    I'm so happy to find that you have a blog ( I only read through your last GT live chat now and found out about it)

    I hope you keep using it, it's so fun to read...I just went through all the posts...backwards hehhe
