Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Off to Nigeria!

I'm sitting in Heathrow, just about to get on the plane lo Lagos. It is ment to be boiling there!! 33 C in the South but up to 45 C in the North! I'm going to melt... I just read on the guide: Do not travel to Nigeria in March or April! Great...

I'll tell you about it in a few weeks. Nigeria. Yeah!!!

Sunday, 14 March 2010

Globe Trekker/Guias Pilot on TVE2

Hello there!

Finally, three years after we shot Globe Trekker Paris, it has been broadcasted in TVE2! Finally, my granma could see my work on tv, yiiha!!!

I hope you enjoyed it. It was my first time as a presenter and English not being my first language didn't help much to make me feel confident, but I had a lot of fun, even though we worked our a... body off around the city. What a crazy shoot it was...

My very very first piece to camera (known a PTC in the bussines) was the one in the backstage of Vivian Westwood catwalk at the Paris Fashion Week. There were about 100 photographers, tv crews, presenters and beautiful and super tall models around me and I was feeling very intimidated. We didn't had much time, because the show was just about to start, so the pressure was quite high. I was so nervous!! It was one of those moments where you think: you can't spoil it, man! But in the end I think I came out quite well, didn't I? A bit stiff, but it's not too bad given the situation.

Anyway, I hope you keep watching the show, because this is only the beginning. The next episode I present is Crete and it will be on TV very soon! For the ones who still don't know when Globe Trekker (Guias Pilot in Spain) is broadcasted, I hope you make a big red cross on your agendas every Friday at 15.30h .

Enjoy it!! And thanks for watching!